I wrote this a few months ago and today, on International Women’s Day, it feels like the right time to share it…
Just one of the reasons why I love my husband:
Last night we were talking about gender divide and how it’s ridiculous in this day and age that there is still a gender pay gap.
My husband: What I don’t understand is why there was ever one (a gender pay gap) in the first place.
Me: Because women take time off to have babies and their male counterparts get ahead.
Him: Yes, but if they’re doing the same job, they should be paid the same.
Me: Of course.
Him: But why did men ever think they were better than women in the first place? That’s what I don’t get.
Me: It was a control thing – men are generally physically stronger, so they used it to dominate women. Some men still do.
Him: But being physically stronger doesn’t give anyone the right to control or dominate anyone else.
Me: Exactly. It doesn’t
And that’s just one of the reasons why I love my husband.
In a past relationship, a controlling man used his strength to try and dominate me. I escaped. Not every woman is that lucky.